Using This to Clean Your House Is Like Smoking a Pack a Day
It’s a nice feeling to have freshly scrubbed floors, sparkling windows, spotless bathrooms, and dust-free shelves.
But a major study has found that a clean house can mean terrible lung health.
The chemicals in commercial cleaning sprays can be so damaging to your lungs that using them regularly can be the equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years, according to the research.
Scientists at Norway’s University of Bergen tracked 6,000 people who regularly used cleaning products for over two decades. They measured the subjects’ lung function by testing how much air they were able to exhale.
They asked participants how often they used cleaning products and compared their answers with their lung power. Women who used the cleaning products had a dramatically decreased lung function. They also had higher rates of asthma.
Their lungs were so bad that they functioned like those of pack-a-day smokers, researchers said.
This is obviously bad news for anyone who regularly uses chemical cleaning products.
Cleaning Your House Is the New Smoking...
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