A Much Better Way To Detox Or Cleanse
Everybody’s talking about doing “detoxes” and “cleanses”, but what does that really MEAN, anyway? And is it even a real thing? A lot of “detoxes” focus on eliminating toxins and getting rid of wastes that are in your body. Here’s the issue with that: Your body already has a complex and amazing built-in detox system, made up of your skin, lungs, kidneys, colon, and liver.
These organs all work together to filter out toxins and waste, and then help you get rid of them by sweating, through your breath, or when you’re in the bathroom. What if the toxins in the foods you eat, the products you use on your body, or the chemicals in your environment start to overload your detox system, putting a lot of stress on it? It can get to the point where your body can’t keep up with eliminating them as fast as you absorb them, and they start to build up in your body. This isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds. Since we can’t actually SEE toxins, here’s a stat that can make it real:
Did you know that the average newborn baby has 287 known toxins in their umbilical cord blood (this is according to the Environmental Working Group)?
And the breakdown of those toxins includes 180 that cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 that are toxic to the brain/nervous system, and 208 that are linked with birth defects or development problems in animal research. Talk about a toxic load! What if instead of focusing on CLEANING OUT toxins from your
body, you did your best to avoid them in the first place? That way, you’re “detoxing” your INPUT as much as possible, before it ever hits your system.
You can do that by upgrading the quality of what you feed your body and also what you
surround it with. This will help reduce your overall toxic load.
Things you can do include:
- Foods with fewer pesticides, antibiotics, contaminants, etc.
- Personal care products with fewer known toxins
- Staying away from plastic water and food storage containers
- Using more green home care products
- Drink more water to help flush out toxins
With a little intention, you can lower the number of toxins you’re exposed to in the first place. It’s a much more proactive approach to your wellness.
Exactly how much water you need every day depends on (among other things) how active you are, any health issues you may have, and your size. But as a general rule, women need about 9 cups (2.1 liters) and men about 12½ cups (3
liters) a day.
Source: https://rejuvmedical.com/a-much-better-way-to-detox-or-cleanse/